Libro Rojo Directorio Empresas y Ejecutivos en Excel 2023 (40.500 Contactos), descarga inmediata

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Total guarantee, if the database has less than 70% contactability, we replace the data.

By launch , we will update the database that you buy monthly for 6 months!

Databases taken from reliable and official sources, public domain data collected by our team.

Libro rojo directorio empresas y ejecutivos en Excel ACTUALIZADO 2023 | 45.500 contactos verificados

El directorio de empresas y ejecutivos más reconocido de Latinoamérica, el famoso "Libro Rojo", ha sido digitalizado en un archivo excel descargable para su mayor comodidad y eficiencia en la búsqueda de información empresarial. Este directorio contiene información actualizada de las empresas más importantes de Chile, así como los nombres, cargos y contactos de los ejecutivos que lideran estas compañías.

Al contar con esta herramienta, podrá acceder rápidamente a información estratégica de empresas y ejecutivos para planificar y ejecutar sus estrategias comerciales de manera más efectiva. Además, al estar en un archivo digital, puede filtrar y ordenar los datos de acuerdo a sus necesidades específicas.

Tenga en cuenta que el directorio respeta las leyes de protección de datos vigentes en Latinoamérica, Europa y Estados Unidos, garantizando la seguridad y privacidad de la información. También se actualiza periódicamente para asegurar que la información esté siempre al día.

Además, nuestro servicio de garantía le brinda la confianza de que está adquiriendo un producto de calidad y fiabilidad. En definitiva, el directorio de empresas y ejecutivos libro rojo digitalizado en archivo excel es una herramienta imprescindible para cualquier empresa que desee crecer y expandirse en el mercado chileno.

Datos que contiene la base de datos de gerentes y altos ejecutivos


  • FONO


  • RUT
  • EMAIL 1
  • WEB
  • GIRO

Empresas como DUOC UC, RICOH, CAPEL, MAPFRE... han comprado nuestras bases de datos.


Frequent questions

What can I get with a Database?

With our Databases you will be able to work on E-Mail Marketing or Telephone Prospecting campaigns. Imagine if only 1% of them turned into new customers. It's not bad, don't you think?

What information will my Database include?

It depends on each Database. You will find this information in the detail of each base. At a minimum it includes, Company Name, Category/Segment, Region and Contact Information.

In what Format will I receive my Database?

All the databases are delivered in an Excel file so that you can easily manipulate them or export them to other formats commonly used by vendors, telephone operators or CMR platforms.

How did you get the information from your Database?

All the data has been obtained from public access websites such as social networks, forums or online portals. All this in harmony with the current Law on the privacy of information in the United States, Europe and Latin America.

How do you check the quality of Emails?

All email accounts are verified with our technological partner, this is responsible for detecting incorrect email accounts, eliminating spam trap emails and inactive emails.

My Email campaign received more than 20% bounce.

Our email base is verified every 3 months and it is normal that during this period, some of them stop working. But do not worry. If your campaign receives more than 20% bounce and you are within the first 30 days after your purchase, we will replace the failed emails.

Are you looking for a reliable, up-to-date, and validated customer and business contact database? Look no further! At Data Hub , we offer business databases in Excel format that are guaranteed to be accurate and up-to-date.

At Data Hub , we are proud to have a team of data validation experts who work tirelessly to ensure the highest accuracy and quality of our enterprise databases. Our databases are regularly updated to ensure that you always have access to up-to-date and accurate lead information.

Our commitment to the quality and accuracy of our data is what makes us unique. Not only do we regularly validate and update our business and customer databases, but we also offer quality assurance to ensure our customers' total satisfaction. If you find any errors in our databases, we will correct them immediately at no additional cost to you.

At Data Hub, we know that accurate and up-to-date contact information is critical to any business looking to achieve its marketing and sales goals. That's why we work hard to make sure our business databases are of the highest quality and give our clients access to accurate, up-to-date information they need to grow their businesses.

In short, at Data Hub we are unique in that we offer high-quality customer and business databases, guaranteed to be accurate and up-to-date. With our commitment to quality and customer satisfaction, you can be sure you're getting the best of the best in terms of business information.